Friday, May 31, 2013

Water Colors

I don't like water colors. I thought that maybe I would like them more after this but I think the hatred just burns deeper now. Don't get me wrong, when done correctly, water colors are beautiful. However, I don't do them correctly. All of my rough drafts turned out better than my final copies and that was a bit irritating. I just could never recreate something and was so worried that I would ruin what I already had. My least favorite fish is the yellow one. I couldn't get the color consistent and nothing really worked out the way I wanted. It ended up being very boring because I couldn't get the right shading. I like the purple fish the best because the shading around the edges came out nicely. Those colors were the ones that I blended the best and I actually do like that picture. I'm indifferent on the tan fish. I think I did too many coats of paint on him in an effort to create some depth. I wanted the colors to be richer and starker but I wasn't able to deepen the brown. Overall, the piece isn't a total failure and I did learn a lot of different watercolor techniques but it's going to be a long time before I consider picking up the paint brush again.

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