Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Clay is very messy and gets everywhere. However, it is a lot of fun. At first I really didn't like it because I had never done it before but after a while I enjoyed it a lot. I didn't like my mug before I painted it because it looked like something that any five year old could do and I had no idea what I would do with it when I got home. Once I painted it, though, I liked the scene and the penguins and if I'm lucky, my mom will at least use it as winter decor. I had similar feelings on my giraffe-llama. I like how they both turned out though. It took a while to get used to the clay and how to use it but once you learned the methods, it became fun. If I could have a do-over, I would take more time to shape my mug. Smoothing everything out was my favorite part. While the mug was a bit easy, the giraffe-llama was not. I had no idea what to make and I couldn't make any of my ideas. What's the use for it anyway? Finally, I sculpted out an odd looking cross between African Safari and Argentina. Once I painted it, it looked a lot better. The biggest challenge in this project was just letting go of what you had previously learned and giving in to a whole new way of art. Once I did that, it became fun. Besides learning that, I think I learned how to be a bit more creative and confident through these projects. I wish we could do clay all year.

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