Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Two-Point Perspective City

I really did not like this assignment. Granted, I made it about a million times more difficult, but still. I just don't care to have enough imagination to design a city. The most successful part of this piece, unfortunately, is not able to be seen. That's because the story behind it is the part that I like best. It's my version of what would happen if the Earth was so polluted that we could no longer be outside. The whole world lives in giant buildings connected by tunnels. Anyway . . . It was not a good idea on my part to make so many horizontal lines. Because it was a two-point perspective  it took forever and a few days. If I were to have to re-do this project, I would scrap most of the horizontal lines. They were not the hardest thing to do, however. The hardest part was determining which point to draw the the lines back to. I wan't very good at determining this so some of the tunnels and building don't look quite right. This was kind of cool to do because I like that there is a set way to do two-point perspective. It's less creative than other pieces. Somehow, though, Mr. Puffpaff found a way to put in just enough creativity that it was hard. I really learned how much I don't like that.

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