Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Great Doodle Assignment

I hate this project. With a passion, I hate it. And that's not fair because it wasn't the assignment's fault as much as the fact that it was horribly time consuming and I had a lot of homework to do. I still don't like it though. I don't get the point of it. I  don't really think it looks cool and it wasn't very enjoyable. Don't get me wrong, it was easy. But that was the problem, it was too easy. It was mind-numbing. Everything worked about this project. Nothing went wrong. It wasn't a challenge. But I'm being negative. When I was going  over it in fine tip marker, I decided it was quicker to do the big parts in Sharpie and didn't hurt the project but it still used a lot of ink. If I was ever forced to do this again, I would skip doing it in pencil and go right to the fine tip since I didn't make many mistakes the first time. The hardest part was actually going over it again because there was a lot of tiny detail to get right. On the bright side, I learned a few new doodle styles to do in History class!

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