Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Still Life

This was a very intimidating project. When I walked in and saw everything set up, I was desperately hoping that it was for Art Two. I had only one rough draft that looked decent so I decided to draw from that perspective. In the end, I am okay with this piece. As always, I would have liked more time to build up the values more. The project became easier when I really focused on drawing the lines correctly rather than trying to draw the picture as a whole. I learned very quickly that it was necessary to draw every line that I saw. I also have found that I hate the fact that most things are symmetrical. Despite what certain people say, I think that smudging would have been a very good addition to this piece. Though it's hard to see in this photo, the shading on the big pot is very inconsistant and odd looking due to a refection that was present. If I did this again, I wouldn't do it again. It was a very stressful project. I would, however, attempt to make the values that are found in the bottom of the candelabra present throughout the whole project. The candelabra was not, though, the hardest part. The big pot was the hardest part to do because it is symmetrical, big, reflective, and the focal point of the project. In the end though, it was fun to build the values and I think it wouldn't be awful to have to do this kind of shading again.

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