Monday, November 5, 2012

Super Hero Drawing

I really did not like this art project. It was very complicated and I never felt completely done. I think that this piece is turned out okay but I wish that I had more time or a longer hour. Every time that I got comfortable with drawing, the hour ended. This was also very hard because about halfway through, I found that my action figure was not proportional. This resulted in tiny arms, a huge chest, fat legs, and a small head. I was also very bad at the red shading. I tried to add in purple to make it appear darker, however, it usually just looked splotchy. One of the things that I do like about this drawing, though, is the way that I shaded the yellow. I think that it turned out nicely since I had a gold like color to shade along with the yellow. If I could do this project again, I would simply spend more time on it. I would probably use that time to work on the proportions. The hardest part of this project was definitely the fact that that his arms and legs were white but still had a lot of built up values. I ended up using a creame color along with brown but it wasn't right at all. In the end, I learned to look farther than just what I immediatley saw. When I did that, I could finally see the values so that I could draw them to get more depth in the picture. 

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